What Happens Next?
Let’s Get Started!
Step 1:
Download Your Real Producers Badge
Step 2:
Meet Our Preferred Partners
Step 3:
Join Our Private Facebook Group
Step 4:
Follow Us on Instagram
Make Sure You Receive Your FREE Monthly Print Copy!
Fill out the form to notify us of the best mailing address for your Richmond Real Producers magazine.
Don’t Miss Our 2024 Events
Join the Top 500 Agents and Preferred Partners at multiple events this year.
February 9
Annual Mastermind
9:00 AM To Be Announced To Be Announced
March Magazine Party
(Exclusive for our December/January/February/March Features)
9:00 AM To Be Announced To Be Announced
May 22
Havana Nights
6:00 PM To Be Announced To Be Announced
Let’s Grow Together
Join the Top 500 Agents and Preferred Partners at multiple events this year.

Nominate an Agent

Refer Your Favorite Vendor
Got Questions? We’ve Got Answers…
If you can’t find your answer below, please contact us. We look forward to hearing from you.
What is the purpose of this community?
Our mission is to connect, elevate and inspire the best of the best in local real estate. We believe that, as a community, we ALL win when we choose to collaborate and work together. We facilitate this by sharing stories in our monthly magazine, hosting regular gatherings to allow members to build relationships, and by hosting a private Facebook group for daily discussion amongst members.
As a Top 500 Agent, how much does a membership to Richmond Real Producers cost?
Nothing! It’s completely free for you. How? Our community is fully supported and funded by our Preferred Partners, who are the local businesses who have ALL been vetted and recommended by multiple top 500 producing agents of this community. These businesses are all connected to the industry in some way and can serve you at the highest level. When opportunities arise, we heavily encourage you to contact our Preferred Partners because they add incredible value to your business. Scroll to the top of this site to view and download the current list, and we update it monthly.
How can I engage with other agent members and preferred partners?
1) Face-to-Face: You’re always invited to our exclusive Richmond Real Producers events (scroll up to view our 2023 events calendar). A spot is not always guaranteed as we often reach capacity quickly as the event approaches. In order to ensure you receive our invites (sent by both email and/or text), be sure your best contact info is updated with us by clicking HERE.
2) Online: You are invited to join our private Facebook group, Richmond Top 500 Real Producers Community
NOTE: This is a closed space for consistent connection, contribution and collaboration among the best in the region. It’s also the platform where we (The RRP Team) communicate all important updates and announcements.
Where is the print magazine delivered, and what's inside?
As a Top 500 agent, you will automatically be mailed a complimentary monthly print copy of Richmond Real Producers magazine to your office address on file in the MLS. Please update your mailing address to your best one (home or office) HERE so we can ensure you receive the free copy each month! Our magazine is a high-quality full-color publication composed of relevant, local and inspiring content.
Who are the Preferred Partners?
They are the local businesses and service providers who support this community and their clients at the highest level. Mortgage lenders, title companies, home inspectors, stagers, movers, insurance agents, contractors, photographers, the list goes on. The businesses on our list have all been vetted and referred to us by members of this community, so you know you are in good hands.
How are the top 500 agents determined?
We have a third party pull a report annually (every January) based on closed transactions and volume in the MLS for the previous calendar year.
How are the monthly magazine featured stories chosen?
What we love best about the agents we spotlight in our magazine is it’s a pure meritocracy. In other words, only the individuals who have been nominated by the local real estate community are even considered. Once nominated, there are a few subsequent steps to determine if and when their story can be featured on our pages. The individuals we feature pay NOTHING for the article to run; this is not a “pay-to-play” magazine. Nominate someone in the industry HERE whom we should consider featuring.
Are there any other opportunities to participate in the magazine?
We also invite you to contribute content by writing articles to add value to our readership. Our writing team can help with ideas, structure, flow and proofreading. If you’re interested in writing content, email me info@richmondrealproducers.com and we can talk it through and get you published!